In today’s uncertain, turbulent, and volatile world we are facing more rapid change and complex challenge than ever before. The impact is felt across every area of organisational life. 

The Team Brain Partnership is the leading authority on relationship and team functioning under pressure. Our innovative Team Brain approach uses evidence-based insights from the fields of individual, relational and systems psychology to transform leadership and team relationship dynamics. We equip and empower your people to thrive, collaborate creatively and perform highly, no matter what the surrounding climate.

We describe this as optimising your Team Brain performance.

Harness the power of your Team Brain


Cutting edge coaching and training to equip your leaders and managers to harness the power of your Team Brain and future-proof your teams.


Transform teamwork and unlock collaborative and cohesive performance under pressure with our Team Brain Optimise journey.


Our Survive to Thrive programme enables leaders to recover from stress and burnout to thrive amidst challenging environments.

What is the Team Brain?

Your work colleagues, family, friendship group, sports team, and volunteering club each create a Team Brain.

The Team Brain implicitly shapes culture, decision-making, risk-taking, communication, engagement, creativity, integrity, commitment, and even influences our personal thoughts, feelings and behaviours. 

When a team is under stress the negative power and influence of Team Brain dynamics dominate and direct every element of team life. 

Building a mature, differentiated Team Brain ensures future-proofed, optimal performance groups which can work under pressure – and every team’s performance can be improved.



Harness the Power of your Team Brain Masterclass

An enlightening and empowering group session introducing the concept of the Team Brain and its relevance in today’s complex, turbulent world. Acute insights, rich storytelling, and relevant, practical takeaways to inspire leaders and revitalise team functioning.

Perfect for your next training event or conference.

Previous Clients

“[Kathryn] is exceptional. Thoughtful and analytic, but also totally focused on helping me improve myself and my situation. She manages to be kind and direct at the same time which is exactly what I need.”

— Amy, Client

“Kathryn was superb today, so on point. witty, with a naturally effervescent style and in touch with what staff had come to hear. The session naturally flowed and attendees contributed fully.”

— James, Workshop Participant

Our Mission

Our mission and values are borne out of engaging deeply with scientific research and insights from the experience of contemporary leaders in a range of settings.