Our mission

We live in an increasingly pressured, complex and fast-moving world.  Even the smartest leaders and teams can make bad decisions under such intense stress.

At the Team Brain Partnership, we exist to revolutionise your team relationships. We are here to help you build sustainable teams that continue to thrive, collaborate creatively, and perform highly no matter what the surrounding climate.

Our values

T – Trusted.  As specialist counselling, coaching and relationship systems psychologists, we are experts in leadership and team dynamics. Our founder Dr Kathryn Kissell is the UK’s top authority in Bowen Systems Theory and Coaching. We are the leaders in the field. 

E – Evidence based – The principles and processes of Team Brain® are rooted in decades of psychological research, clinical and organisational practice. We intend to stay at the forefront of the field by incorporating empirical research into all our activities and contributing in a meaningful way to academic psychology. 

A – Authentic –  We believe in practicing what we preach. We are committed to putting Team Brain principles into practice in our workplace and in our personal lives. We cannot take people where we are not prepared to go ourselves. 

M – Meaningful – Our original family system is our most formative Team Brain, impacting every future interaction. To help children grow up in a world where their family team Team Brain is not simply surviving but thriving, we invest 10% of all profits to equip parents globally with the skills they need to achieve this. 

Our story

As a Harley Street Counselling Psychologist and the UK expert in Bowen Systems Coaching Dr Kathryn Kissell, founder and director of The Team Brain Partnership specialised in empowering individuals to transform their relationship dynamics and experience the profound impact on their mental health as well as their personal and professional lives.

Faced with increasing numbers of clients experiencing workplace stress, burnout, and destructive relationship dynamics, she decided to turn her work on its head. Instead of waiting for people to hit the proverbial brick wall, she decided to equip organisations with the insight and tools necessary to create relationally healthy workplaces thus fostering foundational change from the grassroots.

What we do through the Team Brain Partnership

Through leadership development, leader well-being revitalisation and team culture transformation we release your potential. Building high performing Team Brains that are engaged, strategic, creative, and adaptable, even amidst the pressures of today’s climate. 

Work with us and focus your development priorities.