Cutting edge coaching and training equipping your leaders to harness the power of the Team Brain.

Developing thriving leaders and managers who create collaborative, agile teams and cultivate the performance, engagement, and well-being of their people, even during times of uncertainty and change.

Leadership gains include:

  •   Responsive not reactive leadership & management style.
  •   Nuanced relational intelligence to interpret team dynamics and intervene effectively.
  •   Enhanced personal impact, presence, and influence.
  •   Clarity around role, responsibilities, boundaries, and effective delegation.
  •   Refined ability to take thoughtful, informed decisions under pressure.
  •   Effectively address complex problems and enhance team collaboration.
  •   Successfully navigate change and contain potential sabotage.
  •   Control the team temperature to focus energy or calm stressed reactivity.
  •   Relate with curious, open, and inclusive communication to empower whole team participation.
  •   Build an inviting, creative, diverse, and psychological safe team culture.

AND continue to do all these things under pressure.

Switch on Team Brain thinking in your organisation

Harness the Power of your Team Brain Masterclass

An enlightening and empowering group session introducing the concept of the Team Brain and its relevance in today’s complex, turbulent world. Acute insights, rich storytelling, and relevant, practical takeaways to inspire leaders and revitalise team functioning.

Perfect for your next training event or conference.

Your Harness the Power Leadership Journey

Embed the Team Brain approach in your leadership and management practices. Choose between the individual or group journey.

  • Individual Leadership Journey
  • Group Leadership Journey
Individual Leadership Journey

Address leadership or team challenges and achieve unrivalled transformational change with the dynamic impact of coaching and the evidence-based insights of Team Brain thinking.

Perfect for leaders who want focused, direct, and concentrated input, or who prefer to engage one to one.

Stage 1

Team Brain Map

Agree a working framework and goals for your journey.

Stage 2

Coaching Sessions

Collaborative conversations that are focused on your goals and actively informed by Team Brain insights.

Stage 3

Guided Personal Development

Self-reflection activities and action assignments create further insight and support powerful change.

Group Leadership Journey

This group journey equips you to utilise the Team Brain approach as a core leadership mindset and transforms your leadership presence and behaviour.

Perfect for motivated leaders and emerging leaders looking to hone their skills and who enjoy a collaborative learning environment, sharing and reflecting on experiences in a group setting.

Stage 1

Introductory Overview

Setting the scene for the Team Brain leadership journey.

Stage 2

Group Workshops

Practical workshops to develop knowledge, skills, and self-awareness.

Stage 3

Individual Insight sessions

Focused space to identify under-the-surface personal and relational dynamics that impact your performance.

Stage 4

Group Coaching

Maximising the energy, experience, and wisdom of the group to unlock potential.

Stage 5

Personal Development

Self-reflection activities and action assignments create further insight and support powerful change.

Typical leadership journey topics

  •   Leadership and Management skills.
  •   Managing confrontation, conflict, and difficult conversations.
  •   Stress, Burnout, work/life balance.
  •   Resilience, confidence, assertiveness.
  •   Personal impact.
  •   Role transitions .
  •   Relationship Management.
  •   Creating a high-performing team.
  •   Leading and navigating change.
  •   Establishing a creative and collaborative culture.
  •   Attracting and keeping your people.
  •   Building an effective team.

Ready to transform your leadership?